Issue Position: Platform

Issue Position


I am running on three basic principles I thought were always bipartisan:

Support police and military. I don't just mean pay them well. We depend on the police for public safety, let's give them the tools they need to do their jobs. I have a real problem with Black Lives Matter which throws cops under the bus for political gain rather than offering real solutions.
Immigration must remain legal. How did open borders become a debatable issue? Without secure borders, without a consistent path to legal status and citizenship, we don't have a country.
American values are worth defending, both here and abroad, Individual liberty, respect for others and their view points, fighting for the oppressed, helping the downtrodden get a hand up… these are the values that make America great. We shouldn't be ashamed of them, we should celebrate and spread them.

Some other issues I am passionate about:

Government is way behind in tech. It must catch up to the private sector.
Everyone willing to work should be able to find a job. We can line up people with the needs of business.
I have an engineer's perspective on energy and global warming. I don't like feel good solutions, I want real ones.

If you'd like more details on my positions, you can click on the embedded links above or click here for other platform-related posts.
